We see the light.Truth. Goodness. Beauty. Unity. These are the ways in which God reaches out to us. We are uniquely created and also drawn back to Him in a particular way.
The Adult Faith Formation office strives to provide opportunities to bump into the divine. The sacramental life of every Catholic puts us squarely in the path of God. We also seek to encounter Jesus in the living, breathing, changing world around us. Our faith is a journey, lifelong and full of ongoing conversion. Thanks be to God, conversion may occur through the gift of those sacraments, but also the people we meet, words we read and pray, and creation within which we exist and move and play.TRANSFORM
We receive the light.
Encounter with God calls for our response. People who meet Jesus, in the Gospel and today, are chosen, changed and remain different. Falling in love with Christ lights up another step, big and small, on the journey to our conversion, our transformation. When we experience God in these ways, we discern our Catholic perspective through which we see our time, place and circumstances.
The Adult Faith Formation office endeavors that each of us come to not only know what we believe but to embrace the faith as our own. We seek to learn so that we may grow increasingly in love with Him.COMMUNION
We become the light.
The joy of living a relationship with God overflows, becoming a visible sign to those around us. When we receive the call to draw ever closer to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit; we are also inspired to exude that faith, love and charity out loud in the community around us. We are inspired to invite others to share and magnify the joy of the Catholic Church.
The Adult Faith Formation office exists to equip our family to be instruments of God, torch bearers of our faith. Each of us is created to be loved by God, love Him in return and thus spread that love to the world as living witnesses.
"But God did not create man as a solitary, for from the beginning 'male and female he created them' (Gen. 1:27). Their companionship produces the primary form of interpersonal communion. For by his innermost nature man is a social being, and unless he relates himself to others he can neither live nor develop his potential."
Second Vatican Council: The Church in the Modern World (12)
Through events and gatherings, we will offer the parish as a nucleus for family life. With a keen focus on marriage, the Holy Spirit will use this ministry to invite, inspire and restore our relationships.
"God created the world in order to enter into a history of love with mankind." - Cardinal Ratzinger, The Divine Project
Relationship is the foundation of our faith. Developing and unfolding the love story between us and God spills over into the love we share for those around us.
"...fatherhood and motherhood represent such a sublime 'novelty' and richness as can only be approached on one's knees....The family is indeed...the sanctuary of life." - St. Pope John Paul II, Letter to Families
The Vocation of Marriage is the most tangible witness to the love God in the Trinity and for us. This love creates and expands, builds and upholds. Fatherhood. Motherhood. Childhood. When we make marriage the cornerstone of our lives, we choose this relationship to grow together in holiness throughout our lives. With Marriage as a path toward perfection, toward relationship with God, couples are less tempted to seek or expect perfection in each other.
Friendship and Family Life are crucial. Our domestic churches thrive and expand through the connections of friends that love with support, challenge and kindness. When the stones of each domestic church are laid upon one another through the binds of relationship, we build a beautiful Parish Church.