What’s holding us back?
We hear in this Sunday’s Gospel the call of Simon, Andrew, James, and John:
Jesus said to (Simon and Andrew), “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” They abandoned their nets and followed him…Then he called (James and John). So they left their father Zebedee in the boat along with hired men and followed him.
The first disciples, because they had experienced an encounter with Jesus, were willing to leave behind everything to radically change their life and pursue friendship with Jesus.
What would you say is the biggest thing holding you back from taking that next step to a deeper relationship with Jesus? Concretely, that could be what is holding you back from spending 15-30 minutes in prayer daily, making at least Sunday Mass a priority, or going regularly/monthly to confession? Maybe it is just the busy-ness of life represented by the nets of disciples...
Perhaps our resolution this week could be to re-center our priorities around Jesus to have that quality with time, since it never happens by accident!
Jesus, I recommit my life to You. Help me to leave behind anything that is holding me back from a more radical gift of my time and attention to you!