This line from Sunday’s Gospel is already one answer to the question: “Why should I go to the healing service next Friday?” What are some other reasons to go?
1. If you or someone you know needs physical healing and you can attend together (or watch online at 2. To increase your faith in Jesus and the miracles He still wants to do in our day 3. To soak in an environment saturated with Holy Spirit and His love, joy, and peace 4. To get out of your “Catholic comfort zone” to experience something new and powerful 5. To receive healing of the burdens of your mind and heart 6. To be drawn out of spiritual apathy if you are struggling to stay engaged with Jesus 7. To be an instrument of healing for others! We get to pray for each other as well as be prayed for
I’m sure there are more reasons than that, but those are the first ones that come to mind :)
See you next Friday, March 15th at Sacred Heart from 7 to 10pm (get your nap/coffee in beforehand)!