Mary, our way forward to Jesus, individually and as a parish
When it comes to reaching any goal, I’m all about doing it in the best, most effective way possible.
When it comes to our final goal as Christians and as individual parishes, our goal is deep union with Jesus that leads to our transformation. The easiest way to this destination is by drawing close to the Person closest to Jesus after the Father and the Holy Spirit Themselves: Mary our Mother!
It’s been placed on my heart to guide each of our parishes to a deeper relationship with Jesus through Mary as we conclude this liturgical year and head into the next.
Why should we pursue this deeper relationship with Mary?
At least a few reasons come to mind:
1. When we honor Mary, we imitate Jesus who loved His Mother more than we ever can
2. Jesus blesses those who entrust themselves to Her care as He entrusted Himself to Her when He was conceived in Her womb
3. Jesus wants us to have this relationship with Her, as showed when He gave Her to His disciple John while He hung on the cross: “Behold, your Mother!"
4. Jesus has given His Mother tremendous power and authority to bless us Her children as She sits at His right hand as Queen of Heaven…when you want to receive favors from the King, it’s always wise to go to the Queen because He can refuse Her nothing!
My proposal is this: the we (re)consecrate ourselves individually and as parishes to our Mother Mary on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception on Friday, December 8th, a holy day of obligation for us as Catholics.
How would we do this?
1. I will lead the congregation after communion each Saturday/Sunday Mass in a prayer, giving ourselves more fully to Her individually and as a community
2. I recommend that during the month of November until December 8th that each of us finds a way to grow in our own personal relationship with Mary. Here there are many options:
-Use a book that guides you through the preparation for total consecration to Jesus through Mary. Here I would especially recommend Fr. Michael Gaitley’s book “33 Days to Morning Glory,” which I believe a number of you already probably have, or you can do the “old school” preparation written by St. Louis de Montfort.
-Pray the rosary or at least a decade (10 Hail Mary’s and an Our Father) of the rosary every day, individually and/or as a family, asking Mary to help you draw closer to Jesus
-Read any other book about Mary each day for the month leading up to our parishes’ consecration to Mary: a few that I recommend are “The World’s First Love” by Fulton Sheen or “Reed of God” by Caryll Houselander, and if you don’t know much at all about Mary and why She is important to us, “Meet Your Mother” by Mark Miravalle.
3. On the eve of the Immaculate Conception, Dec 7th, or during the Masses on the 8th, I will lead a solemn consecration of each parish to Mary.
When it comes to renewal in the Church and in our own hearts, I am convicted that devotion to the Eucharist and Mary are the two pillars that we can always depend on. The more we draw near to Mary, the more She leads us to Her Son in the Eucharist.
Pastoral plans and programs have their place, but there is no faster way to a deeper love for Jesus than with Mary as our Mother and our guide!
To Jesus through Mary,
Fr. Joel