Friends, in just over 40 days our time together will cease. A remarkable priest, Fr. Joel Haug will be your next pastor and his canonical assignment takes effect on July 1st. Frankly, it does not seem real and my heart is really broken. Please pray for me. It took time, but by His grace I did fall in love with Nemaha County. Head over heals actually. And this love runs deep. But if there is anything I have learned during my time as a pastor here in Nemaha, it is “keep your eyes on the mission.” And so, I will choose to do just that with the time that remains. And the mission is simple. Facilitate Fr. Joel Haug’s transition into St. James, St. Augustine and Sacred Heart. Work to ensure that he does not come in as I came in. With no pastor to welcome him, no teams or councils waiting at the front door to show him hospitality, to pray with him, or to receive him with hospitality, no leadership team in place or sense of direction for the parishes in general, and no idea where to begin. Goodness, how far we have come in 5 years.
5 years ago, when I first pulled into Sabetha, Ks it was hot. Like unusually hot. Like, above 95 degrees every day of my first week, hot. I will never forget it. My first impressions of Nemaha County can be generally condensed into one basic idea: Nazareth. And that is a high compliment friends. I had never seen people like you, but I respected you immediately. Quiet way of life. Lots of agriculture. Solid people. Hard workers. Small town America. The kind of people who once built this great nation. The kind of people who have stamina and grit. Communities which value humility above all else. A wonderful place, in fact, a place I now describe as the best kept secret of the Archdiocese. To be continued.