This newsletter is a little bit of a test. Most people probably recognize that it can be burdensome at times for a priest to preach most days of the week and especially to have a good homily prepared for the weekend Masses. One of the smaller burdens that a pastor like me can feel is producing a little article for this newsletter every week! It’s really not that much work, but having an idea and typing it out week after week can be a bit tedious.
Here’s how you can help me out: if you actually read these newsletters and find them helpful, would you let me know that (in person, text, or written note) and share what specifically is helpful to you about them? Or what kind of information you have liked in here?
It’s like when someone always does something helpful around the house: after a while, we just take it for granted until it’s not happening any more. We naturally stop sharing that we notice the service and how it has a positive impact on us.
If I receive little to no feedback after this newsletter, that will be confirmation for me that this really isn’t that important to the majority of the parish and shouldn’t be set as a high priority if I have a lot going on in a given week.
Similarly, if a homily is helpful to you, I would encourage you to share feedback not only with me but with any priest that you listen to. If you choose to affirm a priest for their homily or something from Mass, share specifically what was helpful or impactful for you, not just “Nice homily, Father”, though that is better than nothing for sure!
Do you know what priests will hear after giving a mediocre homily? “Nice homily, Father!” Do you know what they will hear if they preached an amazing, inspirational homily? “Nice homily, Father!” It will be most helpful to give concrete feedback to priests and really any leader in your life.
With me preaching four times a weekend, it will be especially useful for me to know what “sticks” when I preach so I can be sure to include that in the next homily, rather than just going with what seems to feel “right" from my perspective!
Being a priest now for 5 years, I am coming to appreciate more some of these little ways that I have been helped in my ministry by parishioners. A little, specific affirmation will go a long way to help keep away discouragement, a constant enemy that we all face in trying to live well!