God is the architect of our parishes. He has given us each the gift of prayer to unite our lives to His as well as connect to those around us. We are committed to invoking God wherever two or three are gathered, inviting His presence into every conversation. We transform our parish, and our lives, by saying “yes” to His invitations. Our Blessed Mother, Mary and the saints are our constant guides in listening and following the Word of God.
We are meant for more. More than our schedules, more than our bank accounts, more than this world. It is time to live the way we believe. We are committed to witnessing to how God has changed our lives through loving word and merciful action. With love and mercy, we seek to meet people where they are. We are fearless in spreading the Gospel, not just in our comfort zones, but to the whole world.
Our Vision — We will impart graces by way of the Sacraments and strengthen those graces through intentional formation and community.
Mary is a guide, a formator, our Mother. She shapes us, leads us and loves us to Jesus. From this devotion flows the anchors by which we, as a parish, discern direction, action and decisions.
We are Eucharistic. Everything we do will point to or flow from Jesus and His Presence in the Eucharist. The word "Eucharist" means "thanksgiving", so we will celebrate in gratitude to God for the blessings we have received as a community.
We Pray. We actively look to the guidance of God in our discernment. Our decisions, inspirations and ideas flow from our relationship with God and our devotion to prayer. Infusing faith into events, teams and ministry requires prayer, individually and in communion with others.
We are Hospitable. Through the warmth and welcome that is woven into our community, we encourage and deepen the sense of belonging in those we encounter. This promotes an authentic experience of "Sabbath" — peace, rest and fellowship.
We Raise the Standard
Excellence - Growth - Hunger + Desire - Transformation
We ask ourselves, “How can we do this better?” rather than relying on “the way we’ve always done it.” The improvements we seek to enact are not simply for the sake of change, but to offer opportunities for the transformation of hearts by the fire of Jesus’ love. We strive to receive and respond courageously to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. We are radically, unapologetically Catholic and our standard reflects that.
We are Joyful Collaborators
Receptive - Generous - Vulnerable - Authentic - Humble
Teamwork is essential to all our pursuits. Teams are built on prayer and vulnerability and honesty. Working together is chosen with joy, delighting in the opportunity for everyone to display their strength and genius. The fruit of joyful collaboration flows from the dedication to healthy conflict, commitment to decisions made by the team and loving accountability.
We are Faithful Witnesses
Authentic - Vulnerable - Loving
Real - Intimate Relationship - Prayerful
Our relationship with God is a real and intimate adoration. It is prayerful, devoted to His presence in the Eucharist and all our Sacraments. We are each responsible for living a life that reflects the love of Jesus for us to those we encounter. Equally, we seek to recognize Jesus in each other. We witness, authentically, with our lives, our words and our love.
"Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect."